993-1003 Hancock Street

993-1003 Hancock Street

Between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway
Block 3387, Lots 53-58

991-997 Hancock Street (2011) Credit: Dianne Pierce O’Brien
997-1003 Hancock Street (2011) Credit: Dianne Pierce O’Brien

Year Built: 1885
Building Type: Rowhouses
Architect: John Fletcher
Builder: J. Hennessey & J. Fletcher, Jr.
Original Owner: William H. H. Glover

History and Analysis

993-1003 Hancock Street is a row of six two-and-a-half story rowhouses located between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway, all three bays wide with stoops on the right side of the front facade. All are now covered in vinyl or asphalt siding with most of the front facade ornament removed, so it is difficult to determine their original architectural style, which was possibly Neo-Grec. Each rowhouse is a brick filled wooden frame with a tin roof, designed by architect John W. Fletcher and built by J. Hennessey and J. Fletcher, Jr. in 1885. William H.H. Glover of 665 East 136th Street commissioned the speculative development venture, which cost $3,000 per property.

Additional Section/ Additional Photography

According to the United States Census of 1900, there were multiple small families living in each rowhouse. Most of the residents were born in New York, Ireland, or Germany, with parents born in New York, Ireland, or Germany. Some families were owners and none had servants. Their occupations ranged from working to middle class, including stone keepers, machinists, bookkeepers, clerks, and engineers.
