833 Bushwick Avenue

833 Bushwick Avenue

Between Stockholm Street and Stanhope Street
Block 3253, Lot 4

833 Bushwick Avenue, Photo: Laurel Albrecht, 2011

Year Built: 1888
Building Type: Detached Single-Family House
Architect: Henry Vollweiler
Builder: Unknown
Original Owner: Margerethe Soder
Proposed District: N/A

History and Analysis

This single-family residential house was constructed in 1887. 833 Bushwick Avenue has undergone many alterations including the main facade renovation in 1920 that was designed by WB Wills, Inc Architects. This alteration included the cornice presently seen and a stucco finish with corner quoins.

Additional Photography

Blueprint for the 1920s alteration, from Brooklyn Department of Buildings. Photo: Laurel Albrecht, 2011
