26-28 Lawton Street

26-28 Lawton Street

South side of Lawton Street between Broadway and Bushwick Avenue
Block 3229, Lots 10-11

Photo by Kelly Autumn Carroll, Feb. 2011

Year Built: Unknown
Building Type: Tenement and garage
Architectural Style:
Architect: Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Original Owner: Unknown

History and Analysis

26 Lawton Street is a one-story garage with an enormous footprint that occupies the entire lot. The masonry is a mix of blocks and brick, and it is not discernable which is the original building material. This garage, however, does retain its original cornice. 28 Lawton is a three-story tenement with its orginal stoop and entry. The cornice is of a style of the 1920’s, commnly found throughout the neighborhood. The building’s original construction materials are concealed by imitation brick veneering and vinyl siding, and it is likely that this is a wood frame, brick-filled structure.
